Saturday, March 7, 2020

part 7

part 7 of many...

Now to start on the storyline! I have about two minutes to hook an audience and make my opening as visually appealing as possible

I will have to structure my climax in a way that will hook the audience for the rest of the movie and be invested in the characters feelings. my general idea at the moment is to create a type of dream sequence of someone going through the motions of saving themselves from a shooting such as running and hiding. I would incorporate many filming techniques such as insert and jump shots in order to enhance the feeling of panic that the character could be feeling. As for lighting, I want to stick to low key lightning so that it adds a feeling of darkness to the overall product. My idea is to show the character going through a nightmare and at the end of the opening, she is awakened and she is out of breath after the triggering dream.

below is a idea/storyboard page of my notebook where I just wrote down some shot or ideas types that I would like to incorporate in my opening. I want the audience to pick up on the fact that she is in  a dream so I will have to add some shot types that will help create a fantasy feel.

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part 24

part 24 of... 24! So here it is... my CCR! I hope you enjoy! well, thats it for me. see ya! :)